1 . 877 . 446 . 7516 
1-416 . 741 . 8788



Ferrum Metallicum







Source: (IRON METAL)


Mainly indicated homeopathically in the following type of complaints:


Anaemias Digestive disorders HeadachesMenstrual disorders -


 Bleeding disorders


Constitution: Best adapated to young weakly persons, anaemic and cholorotic, with psuedo-plethora, who flush easily; continualy quarrelsome,  easily excited.


Introduction:  The old school has been giving Iron for anaemia throughout all tradition.   They have given in great quantities, in the form of the tincture of chloride, and the carbonate.  Whenever the patient became anaemic, pallid, waxy and weak, Iron was the tonic. Talking of anaemia , Dr. Hughes, says, "the malady does not ordinarily arise from any failure of the quantity of iron supplied in the food.  If the element is deficient in the blood the fault lies in the assimilative processes. So Dr. Cowperthwaite adds," It is also true that when iron is introduced into the system in large quantities with a veiw fo supplying a deficiency of iron in the blood tht it is not assimilated, but may be almost entirely obtained from the faeces, having been eliminated by the intestines.  It is evident therefore, that iron does not act as a curative agent,m by virtue of absorption as a constitutent of the blood, but rather, as we are led to conclude, from its physiological effects upon th organs and tissues of the body , that it owes its therapeutic virtues to the same essential dynamic agency possesed by other drugs, and its application is subject to the same therapeutic law of cure. Dr. Nash says that , he has seen better cures of bad cases of anemia by Natrum muriaticum in potentized form than he ever did from Iron in any form, although Iron has its cases, as have also Pulsatilla, Cyclamen, Calcarea Phos., Carbo veg., China and many other remedies. 


It is true that Iron produces anaemia, and it would be astronishing to any one who ever read the provings of Ferrum, if the allopaths did not create additional bloodlessness with the doses of Iron they administer.  It is true that under the provings, and under those circumstances where Iron has been given in excess, the patient becomes greenish, waxy, yellow and pallid, with a sickly and anaemic countenance. The lips becomes pale, the ears lose their pink color; the skin of the body becomes waxy, and there comes  a tendency to hameorrhage at times with clots, but commonly with copious, thin, liquid blood, very dark. The clots will seperate and the fluid parts look brown, dirty and watery. The patient gradually emaciates. He is pallid and waxy, his muscles becomes flabby and relaxed; he is incapable of endurace. All the muscular fibres become tired from any









exertion.  Rapid exercise, or any unusal exertion, is impossible. Any rapid exertion or motion brings on weakness, dyspnoea, sinking and fainting.


A strange thing running through all the constitutional condition of Ferrum is that the pains and sufferings come on during rest.  The palpitation sometimes comes on during rest, the dysponoea comes on during rest, and even the weakness. .  The patient is ameliorated by moving gently, but any exertion tires and causes faintness. Any rapid motion aggravates the complaints.


Points and features:


Anaemia with great paleness of all mucous membranes; with sudden fiery-red flushing of the face.

Profuse haemorrhages from any organ; haemorrrhagic diathesis; blood light with dark clots; coagulates easily.

Local congestions and inflammations, with hammering, pulsating pains; veins full, flushed face, alternates with paleness.

Canine hunger, alternates with complete loss of appetite.

Regurgitaions or eructations, or vomiting of food at night that has stayed in the stomach all day; undigested painless diarrhoea.

Red face during chill.

Modalities: <after eating and drinking; while at rest, especially sitting still; > walking around.




The mind is confused and the pataietn tearful. Depressession of spirits; mental weariness and depression.  The highest degree of depression and dispondency. Anxiety from the slightest cause; irritability.  The least noise, like crackling of paper, sets the patient wild.(Slight noises unbearable.)  It brings on nervous excitement and restlessness; she must get up and move.  Excitement from the slightest opposition.   Any sudden or rapid motion, or the least hurry, causes blackness before the eyes; dizziness; things turn in a circle, she mut sit down.  And with all this the face is red. When alone and at rst, the face becomes pale and cold, buit the least excitement brings a flush to the cheeks. 


Head:The headaches are congestive  in character, with mounting of blood upwards. There is a sense of fulness and distensin , with red face.  Fulness and distension of the eyes; fulness of the neck.  Palpitation of the heart.  Exophthalmic goitre.  The headaches are ameliorted by pressure.  Ferrum wants to be pressed to support the veins.  Throbbing like hammers in the head.  Every quick motion aggravataes the headache.  Coughing aggravataes the headache; pain in the head and occiput from coughing. These pains are sometimes ameliorted by walking gently.  Going up staries, sitting down, rising from a seat-unless it is done very deliberately-will arouse all the pains of Ferrum.  Any suden motion will bring on hammering and a feeling of great expansion in the head.  And then will come more or less shooting, tearing pains.    Beating in the back of the head from rising or from coughing, because coughing is a sudden motion. Confusion of the mind with hammering headache.  Rush of blood to the head.  Congestive headaches from excitement; from taking cold; from exposure; lasting three to four. days or a week. The face is flushed and

perhaps cold, the head somewhat hot, but not as hot as would be expected. Vertigo on seeing flowing water.



Eyes: Rednes of the eyes; engorged vesssels. Photophobia; letter run together.


Face  : Fiery red  and flushed from least pain, emotion, or exertion.   Red parts become white, bloodless and pufffy. 


Nose:  The symptoms of the nose ae numerous.  Colds and catarrhal troubles, ending in nosebleed. Nosebleed on slight provocation, with headaches at the menstrual nisus.  Scabs form in the nose.


Mouth:- Pain in teeth; relieved by icy-cold water.   Earthy, pastry taste, like rotton eggs. All food taste bitter.


Stomach:-  Nothing taken into the stomach digests, and yet there is no special nausea.  It is the exception to find nausea in Ferrum.  Food goes into stomach and is vomited without nausea-simply emptied out.  Sometimes there are eructations of food by the mouthful, like PhosphorusPhosphorus was the remedy with all the old masters for spitting up of food by mouthful until the stomach ws empty. Voracious appetite, or absolue loss of appetite. Loathing of sour things. Ttempts to eat brings on diarrhoea. Vomiting immediately after eating. Vomiting after midnight. As soon as the stomach is Intolerance of eggs. Heat and burning in stomach. Flatulent dyspepsia.

Wants bread and butter; meat disagrees (opposite of nat.Mur.)


Stool:-  Ferrum has a troublesome diarrhoea, with acrid water excoriating stool . Undigested stools, at night while eating or drinking, painless.   Ineffectual urging;  stool may be  hard, followd by backache or cramping pain in rectum; prolpsus reti; itching of anus, especially young children. . 


Urine: Involuntary urination< daytime,  from sudden motion, from walking, or from coughting. In little children the urine dribbles all day.  Just as long as the child plays the urine dribbles and keeps the clothing wet, but this is better while keeping perfectly quiet. The bladder is so relaxed and tired tht it cannot hold the urine, and as soon as it is partially filled it allows its contents to escape.  This relaxation runs through the remedyand gives it character, just like a human being. 


Female:-  Weakness and relaxation of the genital organs is common to Ferrum.  The menstrual flow comes in for its share.  Menses remit a day or two, and then return. Women who are weak, delicate, cholorotic, yet have a fiery red face Copious watery flow; haemorrhage or suppression-amenorrhoea-no flow at all, only a leucorrhoea.  Suppression of the menses with great nervous excitement; with flushed face, with  weakness and palpitation. Prolpasus of the vagina. Insensibility of the vagina during coition. Metrorrhagia. Menses too soon, too profuse and lasting too long.


Respiratory:  Difficult respiration; pains and disturbances in the chest. Difficult breathing, with a sense of great load on the chest. Suffocating fits at night; catarrhal conditions of the respiratory tract; congestion of the chest; dyspnoea.  Spasmodic cough, such as we find in whooping-cough, coming on in violaent paroxysms. Cough after every meal, with gagging, emptyiing the stomach of its contents. Cough felt in the head.  Cough worse from the absue of brandy, tobaco or tea. Cough coming on ater the loss of fluids, as after haemorrhages.  Chest troubles following uterine haemorrhage, and after other haaemorrhages. Coughing up blood; bleeding from the lungs, Persons deblitated by secret vices, with a tendency to go into tuberculosis.


Heart :- Palpitation of the heart from fear, excitement, or exertion.Anaemic murmur.  Rapid action of the heart or sometimes slow action. Fatty degeration of the heart. Pulse accelerated toward evening.  Pulsations throughout the body, feeling like little hammers.                                                                                                                                                                            


Extremeties: Rheumatc pains in the extremities, ameliorated by heat and by gentle motion; aggravated by cold, by exertion, or by rapid motion. Rheumatism of the shoulder- rheumaic pains in the deltoid muscle of either side. Inability to raise the arm; paralytic pains-that is, pains that arae benumbing. Dropsy after loss of vital fluids.  Lumbgo; better, slow walkin.g Pain in hip-joint, tibia, soles, and heel.


Skin:  Pale; flushes readily; pits on pressure.


Fever:  Evening chill or chilliness with fever, cold hands and feet and red face. Icy cold feet with the chill. Chill>after eating. Thirst with the chill. Copious sweat which stains yellow. All symptoms worse while sweating. Strong smelling night sweats. All the febrile symptoms are > by slowly moving about. In intermittent fever after the abuse of quinine. Chill at 4 a.m.  Heat in palms and soles. Profuse debilitating sweats.


Modalities:- Better walking slowly about. After rising.In summer.   Mental exertion.


              Worse,  At night, At rest, especially while sitting still. While sweating; . After              cold washing and overheating.      Midnight aggravation.



Complementary to Alumina and China(as well as antidote).Hammalis


Should never be given in syuphilis as it always aggraavates the disorader.


Antidotes: Arsenicum album and Hepar sulph.




Anaemias-Digestive disorders-headaches-menstrual/Bleeding disorders.



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