1 . 877 . 446 . 7516 
1-416 . 741 . 8788



Lycopodium Clavatum






  Common Name:  club  Moss, Vegetable sulphur.


Medicinal parts:  Spores and the moss.


Description:  This is a low creeping perennial, stem 2 to 10 feet long, slender, tough, flexible, woody; branches ascending; leafy peduncle 4 to 6 inches long with 1 to 2 linear cylindrical spikes  1 to 2 inches long.  The spores are obtained by cutting  off the tops when the fruit spikes are nearly ripe; afterward the spores are shaken out and sifted.  


Though it was formerly used as diuretic only but its wonderful medicinal properties are only disclosed by trituration and succussion.


  Lycopodium  is an antipsoric, anti-syphillitic and anti-sycotic , and its sphere is broad and deep.  This remedy however, with Sulphur and Calcarea forms the leading trio of Hahnemann's anti-psoric remedies.

All the three medicines here are deep acting and finds their affinity in a certain class of people or temperament.  Lycopodium acts favourable in all ages, but particularly upon old people and children.It acts upon persons of keen intellect, but feeble muscular development; lean people, leaning towards lung and liver troubles.  Such people are apt to suffer from lithic acid (calculii)diatheses, for which this is also a great remedy. The Lycopdium subject is sallow, sunken, with premature llines in the face, looks older than he  is.  Children are weak with well developed heads, but puny, sickly bodies.  They are irritable and when sick awake out of sleep ugly and kick and scream and push away the the nurse or parents.


This is one of the leading trio of  flatulent remedies, CARBO VEG,  and CHINA being the other two.  With Lycopodium there seems to be an almost constant fermentation of gas going on in the abdomen, which produces a loud croaking and rumbling.  Remember, while China bloats the who abdomen Carbo veg. Prefers the upper and  and the Lycopodium the lower parts.  With Lycopodium this flatulent condition is very apt to occur in connection with chronic liver trouble. 

There is pre-dominence of symptoms on the right side of the body and they are likely to travel from right to left or from above downward e.g. from head to chest. The patient emaciates above, especially about the neck, while the lower extremities are fairly well nourished.

Externally there is  sensitiveness to a warm atmosphere when there are head and spine symptoms.  The head symptoms are < warmth of the bed and from heat, and < from getting heated by exertion.  The patient is sensitive to cold and there is a marked lack of vital heat and < in general from cold and cold air and from cold food and drinks.  The pains are > from warmth except of head and spine.  Exertion aggravates the Lycopodoium patient in general.  He become puffed up and distressed, and dyspnoea is increased by exertion.  He cannot walk fast. The cardiac symptoms are increased as well as the dyspnoea by  becoming heated from exertion.  The throat symptoms are generally relieved from the application of heat, from drinking hot tea or warm soup.  The stomach pains are often relieved by warm drinks and taking warm things into the stomach.  Nervous excitement and prostration are marked.


MIND SYMPTOMS:- The Lyco patient  has a tired state of mind, a chronic fatigue, forgetfullness, aversion to appearing in anynew role, aversion to his own work.  Dreads lest something will happen, lest he will forget something.A continually increasing dread of appearing in public comes on, because of lack of self  confidence. He has very often aversion to company, and yet he dreads solitude. 

Irritable, peevish and cross on waking; Easily angered; cannot endure opposition or contradiction; seeks disputes; Loss of self confidence.  Weak memory, confused thoughts; spells or writes wrong words and syllables.  Constant fear of breaking down under stress. Apprehensive. Depressed,  Sad ; afraid to be alone.


HEAD SYMPTOMS:- Lyco. Is subject to periodical headaches, and headaches connected gastric troubles.  If he goes beyond his dinner hour a sick headache will come on.  He must eat with regularity or he will have the headache which he is subject to .  Headache is better if he eats at the regular time.   Headache over eyes in sever colds > uncovering. Pressing headache on vertex< 4-8p.m.Throbbing headache after every paroxysm of coughing.  Premature  baldness and greying of the hairs. Shakes the head without apparent cause.Twist face and mouth.


EYES:  Eyes half open during sleep. Styes on lids near internal canthus.  Sees only one half of the object .Inflammatory conditions with copious discharge with red eyes, ulceration of the conjunctive and lids, and granular lids.


EARS:  Eczema about and behind ears.  Thick yellow, offensive discharge.  Otorrhoea and deafness with or without tinnitus, after scarlet fever.  Humming and roaring with hardness of hearing.


NOSE:   Fan like motion of alae nasi(Kai b. Phos.)Nose stopped up Snuffles , child starts from sleep after recurrent coryza.The child will go on with this trouble until forms into great crusts, yellowish,or greenish and the nose bleeds. 


FACE:  You will see by the study of the face that he face conforms to his sensations.  He is an over-sensitive patient , and at the every  jar or noise such as the slamming of a door, or the ringing of a bell, he wrinkles his face. Dropping of the lower jaw in typhoid fevers.


MOUTH:-  Blisters on tongue. Bad odour from mouth.


Throat:-The other very important feature we notice are the throat symptoms.  It was mentioned when going over the general state that the striking feature of Lyc. In regard to direction is that its symptoms seem to spread from right to left; we notice that the right foot is cold and left is warm, the right knee is affected;  if the pains are movable they go from right to left.  Most of the complaints seem to travel from right to left, or to affect the right side more than the left.   This is also true of sore throats; a quinsy affecting the right side will run its course, and when about finished the left tonsil will become inflamed and suppurate if the appropriate remedy be not administered.   The common sore throat will start on the right side, the next day both the sides will be affected.  Similarly in cases of diptheria when the membrane commences on the right side of the throat and spreads over towards the left. Lyc. Sore throat is > from swallowing warm drinks.


STOMACH:-A feeling is found under remedy which alternates with a feeling of hunger of a peculiar.  The patient sits down to the table very hungry,  but  the first few mouthfuls fill him right up and he feels distressingly full. 

This alternation of hunger and satiety is not markedly found under any other remedy.  Eating even so little causes fullness.  Incomplete burning eructations rise only to pharynx, there bur  for hours .Sinking sensation worse night and he wakes at night feeling hungry.


ABDOMEN:Immediately after a light meal, abdomen is bloated full.  Liver sensitive.The Liver troubles of Lyc. Are of atrophic variety, while those of China are hypertrophic  one.  Pain shooting across lower abdomen from right to left.Constant sense of fermentation in abdomen  . Right sided hernia.  It has cured cases of long standing  without the aid of a truss.


STOOL:  Constipation predominates under Lyco. And llike Nux Vom. There may be frequent and ineffectual desire for stool, but while that of Nux Vom is caused by irregular peristaltic action that of Lyco. Seems to be caused by a spasmodic contraction of anus, which prevents the stool and causes great pain. 


URINE:  Pain in back before urinating; ceases after flow; slow in coming, must strain.  Retention Polyuria during the night.  Heavy red sidiment.It is like red sand or brickdust sediment.i.e in cases of Renal Calculii.It is a marked symptom and has cured many cases.


MALE:  One of the best remedies for impotence(Agnus Castus).  An old man marries his second or third wife and finds himself not equal to the occasion.   It is very embarassing for the whole family.  A dose of Lycopodium sets the thing all right and makes the doctor a warm friend on both sides of the house.


YOUNG MEN from onanism or sexual excess become impotent.  The penis becomes small, cold and relaxed.  The desire is as strong as ever, and perhaps more so but he can't perform.  Dr. Nash says that he he has cured hopeless cases of this kind by this remedy, high single doses at intervals of a week or more. Enlarge prostrate.Warts on the genitals.


FEMALE  :  Lycopodium produces and cures and dryness in the vagina in which coition becomes very painful. Burning in the vagina during and after coition.  It has disturbance of menstruation.  Absence or suppression of menses for many months, the patient being withered, declining, pale and sallow becoming feeble.  It seems that she has not the vitality to menstruate.  It is also suitable in girls at puberty when the time for the first menstrual flow to appear has come,  but it does not come.  She goes on to 15, 16,17,18  without development, the breasts do not enlarge, the ovaries do not perform their functions.  When the symptoms agree, Lyc. Establishes a reaction, the breasts begin to grow, the womanly bearing begins to come and the child becomes a women.     Neuralgia of ovaries which especially affects the right ovary, with a tendency to the left. It has cured cycstic tumours of the right ovary.

RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS:-  Lyc. Has often saved neglected, maltreated or imperfectly cured cases of pneumonia from running into consumption. It may even come to the later stages of the acute attack itself and here as usual the disease is apt to be in the right lung and especially, if liver complications arise.  There is extreme dyspnoea,with rattling in chest , the nose expand like fan like motions.  Now is the time when Lycopodium does wonders. 


HEART:   Aneurism( dialatation of artery)Aortic disease.  Palpitation at night.  Cannot lie on left side.


BACK:  Burning between scapulae as of hot coals.  Pain in small of back.


EXTREMETIES:  Gouty tendencies of the limbs . Painful callosities on soles  of feet ; Sciatica < right side.

Cramps in calves and toes at night in bed.  Right foot hot the left foot cold.Oedema of the feet.


FEVER:-In all manner of fevers, continued, intermittent and remittent LIKE typhoid fever, pneumonia, cerebro-spinal meningitis. Now if you get aggravation between 3-4 Pm,this remedy surely comes in. It is especially suitable in old age and in premature old age, when a person at 60 appears to be 80 years , broken down feeble and tired.


SKIN:   Chronic eczema associated with urinary, hepatic and gastric disorders, bleeds easily.Brown spots freckles worse on left side of face  and nose.  Offensive scretions; viscid and offensive perspiration, especially of fee and axilla.  Psoriasis.



MODALITIES:  Worse right side, from right to left, from above downward, 4 to 8 PM from heat or warm room hot air, bed.  Warm applications, except throat and stomach which are > from warm drinks. 


Better from motion, after midnight, from warm food and drink, on getting cold, from being uncovered.


RELATIONSHIP :  Complementary:  Lyco. Acts with special benefit after Calcarea and Sulphur.  Iod. Graph. Lach, Chelidon. 





Dr. Kent says , "The pathogenisis of Mercury is found in the provings of Merc. viv. And Merc. Sol., two slightly different preparations, but not different enough to make any distinction in practice.

Constitutional taint: Syphilitic.  Also psoric and sycotic to a certain degree. It is the king of anti-syphilitic remedies.


Typical subjects: Light-haired persons, with lax skin and muscles. Scrofulous children. Sypilitics.  In sycotic and and psoric cases it is scarcely called for.  "In psoric infants the

choice has often to be made between Calc.c., Sil., and Merc. and must be made with care, as a mistake is not easily rectified,".  In this connection it mut be remebered that Merc. and Sil. Are inimical to each other and hence the choice between them must be made with care. Esp. suited to women and children.  "Herediatary syphilitic manifestations are within its range; bullae, abscesses, snuffles, marasmus, stomatitis or destructive inflammations." (Bullae: Plural of bulla, meaning a large blister.) Suited to constitutions which are changeable and sensitive to heat and cold as thermometer itself.

Notes and features:  1. Salivation.  A prominent symptom.  Profuse salivation; flow during sleep; may be bloody and viscid.  Saliva may be soapy and stringy.  Saliva of putrid odour and coppery taste. Profuse salivation in mumps, tonsilitis or diphtheria; saliva often offensive.

2. Sweating: Profuse sweating with most complaints without relief, or even resulting in aggravation during sweating. Sweat stains the linen yellow. Sweat may be oily. Cold, clammy sweat, esp. on thighs and legs and night. A combination of  "profuse sweat" and                    "aggravation at night"  is highly indicative.

3. Offensiveness.  Body smell is offensive. Sweat offensive, which may be of strong, sweetish or mawkish odour.  Breath is very offensive,  "The breath especially is very fetid, and it can be detected on entering the room; it permeates the whole room."  Offensive urine, stool, sweat.  Odour of the nose (as in oezena) and mouth offensive. Acrid nasal secretion smelling like old cheese.  "Horribly stinking greenish discharge from ears."  Stinking otorrhoea.

4. Tremor. Great weakness. Paralysis.  Tremor runs through the remedy. Tremor  of extremities esp. of hands, so tht he cannot write.  Tremor of tongue, so tht he cannot talk. Tremor of Merc. corresponds to paralysis agitans. Gret fatigue, weakness, and rapid loss of  strength, with gret uneasiness of body and mind.  Faiting fits. Almost a specific in facial paralysis from cold, one side-side being affected.

5.Ulceration:  "Inflammaion leads to induration, induration to ulceration."   Ulcers superficial and wide spread.  Ulcers with lardaceous or cheesy base (as in soft or hard chancre).   Also, spreading and deeply penetrating ulcers.  Ulcers irregular in shape with undefined edges.  Superficial and readily bleeding ulcers.  "Ulcers on parts where the skin nd flesh are thin over the bones."  Ulceration at nails.

6.Suppuration.  Tendency to formaion of pusBloody pus from any orifice of body.   "Pus, forms in cavitgies in abscesses whgich burn and sting. "  This sort of burning and esp. stinging is characteristic.   Burning, stinging in ovaries.  Suppuration of glands, esp. when discharge of pus is too profuse.  In low potenscies (2x,3x,trit.) it hastens supppuration, but in high potencies it aborts it.  It shouldbe remebered that Merc. excites formation of various kinds of pus; there may be too little pus; too thin pus; thin, tenacious pus.

Characterisitc peculiarities:  They center round the following:  salivation, perpiration, offensiveness, tremor, paralysis. Greenish yellow or green discharge.  "horribly stinking greenish discharge" (as in otorrhoea). *Flabby tongue taking the imprint of teeth.  *Metallic taste.  Creeping chilliness.  Weak digestion with continuous hunger. Red and shining inflammatory swelling.  Nocturnal pain in bones. Periostitis, then necrosis.  Whole body feels as if bruised, with soreness in all bones. Bones soften so that they will bend. Great tendency of limbs to become numb.   Emaciation and atrophy of whole body.  Very debilitating night sweats.  Milk in breasts instead of menses; in breasts of boys or girls.  Slow and hectic fever.  "A strange feature is swelling and abscess formation without heat."  Glands inflamed and swollen.  Inflamed parts indurate.  Inflamed glands are hard. Induration with ulceration.  Tension about the scalp as if it were bandaged.

MIND :   Great anguish ( the patient constantly changes place).  Great indifference to everything. Does no even care to eat.  Continuous moaning and groaning.  Answer questions slowly .  Weakness of memory; and will power lost.  Intellect weak; imbecile.  Hurried and rapid speech.  Thinks he is losing his reasons. Impulse to kill or commit suicide. "Sudden anger with impulse to do violence."  Sudden impulse to do something violent; "Time seems to pass slowly.".The patient is weary of life. Mistrustful .

Face;  Face pale, or yellowish, or lead-coloured.  Bloatedness and swelling of face, principally around eyes. Swelling of cheeks. Sweat on face.  Fissures, rhagades, and ulceration in (lips and ) corners of mouth.  Desquamation of skin. "Copper coloured eruptions as in syphilis, andmucous ptches.".  Teeth black and dirty. "dirty nosed children." Blackish colour of nose.

Head:- With all headaches, there is much heat in the head.  Bursting headaches, fullness of the brain, and constriction like a band. Catarrhal headaches; Tension about scalp, as if bandaged. Stinging, burning fetid eruptions on scalp.  .Loss of hair. Exostosis, with feeling of soreness. Oily sweat on head. Headaches from suppression of discharges espe. foot sweats- alteration of foot sweats and headaches.

Eyes.: Profuse, burning, acrid discharge Floating black spots. Photophobia. After exposure to glare of fire; foundrymen. Parenchymatous keratitis of syphilitic origin with burning pain.  Cold settles in eye like Dulcamara.

Ears: Ear troubles; Horribly stinking greenish discharge from the ears like th discharge from the nose. Otalgia worse warmth of bed; at night. Sticking pains . Boils in external canal[Calc. Pic.].

Nose: Dr. Kent says that, " The nose troubles would take a long time to describe".Old syphilitics with nasal bones affected, thick, greenish, yellow, acrid, stinking discharge. Nosebleed and bloody discharge from the  nose. Coryza acrid, watery, with pressure though the bones of the face, worse from heat or cold, worse at night; sensitive to every draught; must get up and walk the floor. It has coryza with much sneezing with an

opposite state; > by lying in bed, only in the daytime while up and about. The inhalatin of hot air feels, good to the nose but the heat aggravates the body.  Incessant sneezing.  Bleeding, scurfy, red nostrils. Old catarrhal smell  in the nose.  Rawness, burning and swelling.  Inside of the nostrils smarting and burning.  Bones of the face painful, feel as if pressed outward, and he wants to press, but it is painful.

Kent further says that " Merc. is not deep enough to cure the whle constitution in psoric cases that are constantly taking cold.   It cures the cold at once, but implants its own nature and the patient catches cold oftene.  It should not be given often not oftener than twice in a winter.  Kali iod. Is better for the ame burning in the face, running coryza, and < from heat and warmth of the bed, and it will cure the coryza in a night when apparently Merc. is indicated.  It is also an antidote to Merc.   Don't give many doses of Merc. in psoric cases, look for a deeper medicine.

Mouth: In Mercurius, the leading characterstic is found in the mouth,and the  characteristics are , " the gums are swollen, spongy, sometimes bleeding;" the tongue heavy thick, is also swollen, flabby, taking the imprint of the teeth (Arsenicum, Chelidonium, Podophyllum, Rhus tox. and Stramonium), generally moist with salivation which is soapy or stringy, and the odor from the mouth is very offensive; you can smell it all over the room.The tongue feels as if burnt, with ulcers. Furrow in upper surface of tongue lengthwiseFetid odor from mouth; can smell it all over room   No remedy has this condition of mouth in any degree equal to Mercury  . Alveolar abscess, worse at night.  Great thirst, with most mouth.

Throat:- Sorethroat. It is a remedy for inflammation of the throat, with spongy appearance, bluish red swelling. Constant desire to swallow. Putrid sore throat; worse right side. Ulcers and inflammation appearing at every change in weathr. Stitches into ear on swallowing; fluis return through nose. Quinsy, with difficult swallowing, after pus has formed. Sore, raw, smarting, burning throat.  Complete loss of voice. Burning in throat, as from hot vapor ascending. Elongation & swelling of uvula; Constant want to swallow.Rapid and stammering speech.

Stomach:  The stomach is chronically disordered ; putrid eructations, regurgitations, heart burns, etc. Sour stomach; it is foul. He has nausea with vomiting and regurgitation of food.  In such a stomach food is like a load. Bad taste, bitter mouth; he tastes the food; it comes up sour.  With all this the saliva constantly runs from the mouth. It does not improve as digestion goes on. The half-digested substances are vomited.  It is like the stae in person who have destroyed their stomach from crossing liquors, beer, wine and whisky. He has aversion to meat, wine, brandy, coffee, greasy food, butter. Milk disagreees and comes up sour. Sweets disagree. He is turned against his beer. Intense thirst for cold drinks. Weak digestion with continuous  hunger. Hiccough and regurgitation.

Abdomen:- In the abdomen we find colic, rumbling, distension, achesand pains, stinging and burning.  Stabbing pain, with chilliness. Boring pain in the rith groin. Liver enlarged.

Sore to touch. Indurated. Jaundice. Bile secreted definciently.The fullness  in the region of the stomach, coming in spells, worse in cold, damp weather and warm, damp weather, worse in the Spring, jaundiced condition, disordered stomach, the aggraavation at night and from the warmth of the bed, nightly feverishness and foul mouth, will give you the Mer.state. Stitches in the region of jaundice.  Liver symptoms worse lying on the right side.  [Many complaints of Merc. are < by lying on the right side. The lung symptoms and cough, liver, stomach and bowel symptoms are all worse while lying on the right side.].


Stool : It has a great variety of stools, of diarrhoea and constipation. It has a well-defined dysenteric condition. Slimy, bloody stools with much straining, he feels, as if he could never finish, even no more is passing, a "never-get-done" feeling.  This is the very opposite of Nux and Rhus in dystentery.  These are relieved if a little stool is passed, but Merc, and Sulph. Will sit and strain, and all the salts of Merc. have the same state. Merc.cor. has a more violent attack, with violent urging to stool and to urinate, and instense suffering with burning in the parts and the passage of pure blood. Merc. ipec. and Acon. are frequently in epidemic dysentry that comes in the hot weather, and Ipec. Dulc. and Merc. are frequently indicated in the dysentery of cold weathe r.


Urine: The urine burns and smarts.  Frequent urging to urinate, dribbling a little; bloody urine, with great burning.  Gonorrhoea which has existed for some time. Greenish discharge from urethra; burning in urethra on beginning to urinate. Urine dark, scanty, bloody, albuminous . Quantity of urine passed is greter than the fluid drunk.

Male: Ulcers on the prepue and glands, making it suitable  in chancre and chancroid. Flat ulcers; ulcers with lardaceous base. Inflammmation of the inner surface of the prepuce. Balanitis, offensive pus. Cold genitals. Nocturnal emission, stained with blood.

Female:  Menses profuse, with abdominal pains. Leucorrhoea excoriating, greenish and bloody; sensation of rawness in parts.Burning & stinging pain in ovaries [Apis].Itching and burning < urinating; better, washing wth cold water. Breasts painful and full of milk at menses. Menstrual flow light red, pale, acrid, clotted and profuse or scanty. The menses are sometimes supressed. Women who have been in the habit of taking mercury for biliousness remain sterile. (Coffee drinkers often remain sterile also and you must stop their coffee).  Amenorrhoea with ebullitions. Chancres on the female genitals. Aged women hve denuded genitals, rawness, soreness and flase granulation,s which are always bleeding.Burning and throbbing itching in the vagina.  Itching of the genitals fro the contact of urine; it must be washed off. In children, boys or girls the urine burning after urinting and they are always carryhing the hands to the genitals. Little girls have acrid leucorrhoea causing burning and itcning and much trouble. Boils and abscesses at the menstrual period; little elongated absecesses along the margin of the mucous memebrane

and skin, painful, aggravated by walking; forming during the flow and breaking after the period. This, with itching, causes great suffering.

Morning sickness. A woman "while pregnant, has oedematous swelling of the genitals.  Diffused inflammation, soreness and fulness of the genitals and pelvis, causing difficulty in walking, and she must take to bed.  In pelvic cellulitis in the early months of pregnancy, Merc is an important remedy.  Repeated miscarriages from sheer weakness Merc is a wonderful strengthner when properly used .  Prolonged lochia. Milk scanty and spoiled.

Merc. is one of the best palliatives in cancer of the urterus and mammae.  It will restrain and sometimes cure epithelioma.  Dr. Kent discribes a case cured by the Proto-iodide, an ulcerated, indurated lump in the breast, as large as a goose egg. With knots in the axilla, blueness of the art and no hope.  The 100th attentuation, given as often as the pains were very severe, took it away and she remained well.

Respiratory:There are various conditons in the chest. Coughs; colds that remain  in the chest, lack of reaction and tardy recovery. The colds finally settle in the bronchial tubes; the chest feeels as if it would burst and the cough is worse lying on the right side.  (Left side: Lycop.). Cough < tobacco smoke.  Whooping cough with nosebleed(Arnica). Cough, with yellow mkuco-purulent expectoration.

Back:  Stiff neck with every cold, stiffnesss of the side and back of the neck. 

Bruised pain in small of back, especially when sitting. Tearng pain in the coccyx;>pressing on abdomen.

Extremeties:-  Merc. especially affects the joints; inflammatory rheumatism with much swelling, < the heat of the bed  and from uncovering. Rheumatic affection with sweat, < at night, from the warmth of the bed and while sweating. Oily perspiration. Trembling extremities, especialy hands; paralysis agitans. Cold clammy sweat on legs at night.,Dropisical swelling of feet and legs. Bone pains worse at night

Skin:-Skin constantly moist. Persistent dryness of the skin contraindicates mercurius. Excesive odorous viscid perspiration; < night Geneal tendency to free perspiration, but patient is not relieved thereby.Excoriation betweeen genital and thighs. Sloughing of scrotum. Itching; < warmth of bed. Glands swell every time patient takes cold. Orchitis (Clemat; hammam.Puls.).Ulcers on parts where the skin and flesh are thin over the bones. Offensive forms of eczema. Most eruptions are moist with copious oozing.  It cures shingles.

Fever:  The fever symptoms of Mercurius are notable, especially in the sweats.  The chill also is peculiar .. It is not a shaking chill, but is simply creeping chilliness.  Often when this creeping chilliness is felt it is the first symptom of a cold tht has been taken, and, if left alone, the coryza, sore throat, bronchitis or even pneumonia may follow; but , if taken early, a dose of Mercurius may prevent all such troubles. The chilliness is felt most generally in the evening and increases into the night. If not removed by Mercury.  It also

alternates with flashes of heat; first chilly, then hot, then chilly, etc., like Arsenic. It is often felt in single parts. Then again it is felt in  abscesses and is the harbinger of pus formation. If pus has already formed, especially much of it, the only thing Merc. can do is to hasten its discharge; but if little or none is actually formed a dose of Mecr. High will often check the formation and a profuse sweat often follows with a subsidence of the swellling and rapid cure of the disease.



             At night

             Wet damp weather (Rhus Tox.)

              In autumn, warm days and cold, damp nights

              Lying on right side.

              On perspiring

Mercury symptoms are increased by heat of, but decreased by rest in     bed.(Arsenic is decreased by heat of, but increased by rest, in bed.)

Better:  By rest.

Relations:  Follows well after Belladonna , Hepar Sulph Lachesis and Sulphur; but shold not be given before or after Silicea.  If given in low(weak) potencies, hastgens rather than aborts suppurtion.  The ill effects of Merc. vivus are antidoted by Aurum metallicum, Hepar Sulph, lach. Mez. Nitric acid  and by a strong (high) potency of Merc. vivus when the the symptoms correspond.

Similar to Mezerium, its vegetable analogue.  Complementary to Badiaga.

Summary of indications:  Bone diseases-rhinits-diphtheria-dysentery-oral disorders.

Antidotes:-Belladonna;  Bryonia alba;   Lachesis;  Mezereum;  Nitricum acidum ;  Nux Vomica;

Note : It is a medicine for bad effects of fright, suppressed gonorrhoea, supressed foot-sweat. Also a remedy for ailments arising from eating sugar, insect stings, varours of arsenic or copper.



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